Pupil Safety
Useful contact numbers
Childline: Call free on 0800 1111
Samaritans: Call free on 0800 1111
Wakefield’s Safeguarding Children’s Partnership website:
Childline Sexual Harassment website
Safeguarding information can be found in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy on our Statutory Information page here.
Children and young people have individual rights. Above all, they have the right to have their basic needs met and to be free from harm. The protection of our children is enshrined in law and our school procedures adhere to those defined by law. A senior member of the Academy’s Leadership Team has a specific responsibility for child protection issues.
Parents Protect
Link to information on Internet Safety
Link to Think U Know
Link to NSPCC
Internet Safety
Bullying Support and Advice
Protection from Bullying
Our Academy community treats all accusations of bullying as serious matters of concern. Teaching and support staff are aware of the need for vigilance and will follow up any incident that could involve bullying. Students are encouraged to take a key role in making our school a safe and happy place for everyone. They should tell someone if they are being bullied or see any form of bullying.
Useful links for parents/carers and young people regarding mental health issues
Young people
Parents/Carers’ helpline
Night Owls – confidential support line for children and young people in crisis.
Bereavement Information
Samaritans – Free anytime (24/7) if you need to talk, call 116 123