Numeracy & Literacy

At De Lacy Academy, we place reading at the front and centre of our curriculum. We want our pupils to be able to access the full curriculum offer by developing a reading programme that focuses on accuracy, vocabulary, comprehension, memory retention and a love of reading.
The English secondary reading strategy is delivered via English lessons, where all pupils are given access to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Pupils read and re-read texts to find layers of meaning and increase understanding. Each text also focuses on a key theme to encourage our pupils’ personal development.
Every child at De Lacy has access to Hegarty Maths, an online programme. Pupils are set specific tasks to complete every week as homework but do not access Hegarty maths in class. A Hegarty Club runs after school so all pupils can complete their homework and in addition pupils can complete extra activities of their choice whenever they wish. All students also have access to GCSEpod which covers traditional subjects but also has SPAG related content. Hegarty usage is significantly above the national average, as is GCSE pod, where the Academy was crowned international champion in 2019. Pupils identified as falling behind age related expectations attend after school intervention and also benefit from additional small group tuition during maths lessons.

All pupils in Years 7 and 8 are assessed using GL Assessment’s reading test .The assessment helps highlight which pupils require support with their reading. This support is provided in different ways depending on the need of each pupil.
This could include reading support in the library, phonics lessons and higher ability book clubs. Some pupils in Year 9 also receive an extra timetabled English lesson, focusing on key literacy skills and comprehension.
In addition, all pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 access the Accelerated Reader programme Accelerated Reader is a programme designed to encourage a love of reading, using reading levels to suggest appropriate books for each pupil and testing for comprehension along the way. Pupils visit the library for one hour per week, as well as there being opportunities before, during and after school to visit the library.
We also use a different reading program within the Academy called Reading Plus Reading Plus – Adaptive Literacy Intervention for Grades 3-12. This aims to develop comprehension and efficiency in reading and adapts to offer support and texts that are appropriate for the reading level of each individual learner.
Students are also involved in the Literacy acquisition strategy, which is a whole school program that aims to extend the students use and understanding of vocabulary. This includes our Word Walls with the Word of the Week and the Word Consciousness boards.